
Easy Way of Duotones, or More

A duotone is a form of printing that uses two colors of ink, one of which is often black. Duotones were developed in the printing process as a method of expanding a grayscale image's tonal range, allowing reproduction of delicate colors.

In Photoshop, you can use more than 150 preset dutones, tritones (black ink and two other colors), and quadtones (black ink and three other colors). When working with an RGB image, you must first convert it to 8-bit Grayscale (Image > Mode > 8-Bits/Channel; Image > Mode > Grayscale) before you get to the Duotone menu. (Image > Mode > Duotone.)
Make a selection in the dialog window from the Duotone, Tritone, or Quadtone menu, and then pick the specific colors to make up your new image.
